CWSL - Clean Water Saves Lives - A NonProfit Organization

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Link To GEFco Used Rigs
Dual Wall Reverse & Flooded Reverse Drilling

SOHIP's CWSL Rig Finishing 1st WaterWell in Zambia
SOHIP Crew Drilling and training in Zambia 10-2010

Paster Casey Sitter of Agua Ministries Accepts Rig
The Drill Will Be Used In Mexico For Water Wells For The Needy

Seeds of Hope International Partners "SOHIP"
Paster Kirk Schauer Receives Small Rig From CWSL for Zambia

SOHIP With donated rig & welder
The rig, Welder, and Large Compressor will all go to Zambia

Clean Water Saves Lives  (CWSL), a 501 C (3) nonprofit foundation organized on December 20, 2004, and was approved on October 28, 2005, with an official start date of April 1, 2005.
We are dedicated to providing help with clean drinking water projects in areas of need by assisting with shallow water well projects, sanitation training, driller training and donation of some drilling supplies.
The organization will rely on volunters, who wish to donate time, equipment, and/or money to help save the lives, and improve living conditions of some of the 10 to 15 million people who die yearly from unclean water.  
 Along with donated and purchased water well drilling equipment, well decontamination supplies, and well sealing equipment, our plans are to help provide very portable, shallow water well drilling machines, and make them available for use in poor, remote areas, in need of clean water.
The 501C(3) nonprofit, charitable foundation can be reached at 1-800-906-3976, or
Jon C. Newsom
August 2005
    Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
    During a flood, individual water wells often act as a drain, funneling pollution and disease into the drinking water aquifer. Many wells are still polluted.
    Problems, and needs that we usually think of happening only in foreign countries, are present now, here in America.
   You can help!
*** Crisis 2004 ***
The Tsunami that struck Southeast Asia on December 26th 2004, killed an estimated 150,000 men, women , and children.
The USAID  (The United States Humanitarian Disaster Assistance Program) website states "Monetary donations are the most effective form of assistance because they allow humanitarian organizations to purchase (often within the affected region itself) the exact type and quantity of items needed by those affected by the crisis. Monetary donations therefore have several logistical advantages over commodity contributions."
You may donate drilling equipment, water purification equipment & supplies, or monetary assistance to CWSL
You can contact us at 1-800-906-3976, e-mail us at 
If having difficulty with the CWSL site, please contact us at the following address:
We would love to hear from you.
Please address your letters to:
2681 Newcastle Road,
Newcastle, CA 95658-9998
Thank you for your support,
Jon C. Newsom

Click here for more information about one of our smaller CWSL drills, and how a high school senior project (WSL) helped to get CWSL started.

October, 2010 CWSL helped Furagua Mocambique (Mozambique) purchase a drill from Newsom Industries, and we were able to donate drill pipe, bits, subs, and drilling tools.
The Failing Model 1250 rig is being shipped directly to Mozambique, and will drill water wells in a very poor region, where clean water is scarce.

Phil Kreider Furagua Mocambique& Stan Williams
Failing 1250 for charity water wells in Mozambique

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SOHIP's Failing 750 Table Drive Water Well Rig
Failing_750_before painting_.jpg
This rig was donated by CWSL to Seeds of Hope International Partners

JP Newsom CWSL Director Helping With Rig Re-Hab
Repairs and re-mounting of rig at our shop

CWSL Moore Drill Trailer Mounted
This rig was rebuilt and donated to Agua Ministries For use in Mexico

CWSL Moore Drill on Test Hole

We hope to be able to help with large rigs soon.
Training water well crews in Saipan, Northern Mariannas

IR Compressors donated to CWSL by PC Exploration
Two small air compressors for small hole drlg and well development

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Rupe Trailer Mounted Grout Pump